Release Engine Worker Plugin that handles basic Docker control functions.

This worker takes two configuration files. The first is the Docker configuration file. It should look like this:

  "queue": "docker",
  "version": "1.16"

The version listed is the version of the docker API that is in use.

This worker takes the normal MQ configuration as it’s only configuration file:

  "server": "",
  "port": 5672,
  "vhost": "/",
  "user": "guest",
  "password": "guest"
  • Set the MQ config file parameters to sane values (see also: Setting Up The Bus)
  • Run the worker: re-worker-docker -w $YOUR_WORKER_CONFIG $YOUR_MQ_CONF.json

We should see output similar to the following if everything well:

[user@frober re-worker-docker]$ re-worker-docker -w docker.json mq.json
2014-05-19 14:39:47,080 - DockerWorker - WARNING - No app logger passed in. Defaulting to Streamandler with level INFO.
2014-05-19 14:39:47,083 - DockerWorker - INFO - Attempting connection with amqp://inceptadmin:***@messagebus.example.com:5672/
2014-05-19 14:39:47,412 - DockerWorker - INFO - Connection and channel open.
2014-05-19 14:39:47,413 - DockerWorker - INFO - Consuming on queue worker.docker Commands

The Docker Worker steps are documented in Worker Steps: Docker.