9.4. Logging¶
The re-core and re-rest components have robust logging facilities. Features and configuration options include:
- useful log-level thresholds
- log file location setting
- per-deploy context accumulation
- separate per-deploy log files (for re-core only)
- human-readable, machine-parsable log record format
9.4.1. Thresholds¶
Configuring the log level thresholds allows you to see less or more of what’s going on behind the scenes. We stick to the philosophy that an admin should be able to understand what’s happening without requiring DEBUG level logging.
re-core will only print WARNING or higher level records on the console at run-time. This includes ERROR and CRITICAL messages as well. For example:
2014-12-10 19:45:34.659127 +0000 - app_component="recore" - source_ip="" - log_level="INFO" - playbook_id="" - deployment_id="" - user_id="" - active_step="" - deploy_phase="" - message="Initialized core logging with level=INFO and log file=/tmp/recore.log"
2014-12-10 19:46:29.880620 +0000 - app_component="recore" - source_ip="" - log_level="CRITICAL" - playbook_id="" - deployment_id="" - user_id="" - active_step="" - deploy_phase="" - message="SIGINT received - killing all threads and then finishing the main process"
re-rest, if running from source, will only print out basic request strings on the console: - - [10/Dec/2014 14:46:00] "PUT /api/v0/test/playbook/542423e102b67c000f941dcb/deployment/ HTTP/1.1" 201 -
The remainder of the re-rest log records will go into the specified log file.
9.4.2. Context Accumulation¶
To enable transactional searching re-rest and re-core accumulate log field data over the course of each deployment. This means that as more information about a release is discovered, it is saved in memory and used to fill in the matching log record field.
For example, re-rest will know the clients source IP address almost immediately. This is saved in memory for the duration of the deployment. If the client is running a playbook deployment the playbook ID will be stored in memory as well. Once re-rest receives a confirmation message from re-core then the unique deployment ID will be recorded and saved as well.
Here are some snippets (with a few fields removed for formatting purposes) from a re-rest deployment log demonstrating how context information accumulates and is later incorporated.
User is authenticated at this point, re-rest must connect to the message bus and ask the FSM to start a deployment:
source_ip="" - playbook_id="abcdefg123456" - deployment_id="" - user_id="tbielawa" - message="Creating a job for group test/abcdefg123456"
Back in re-core a log record such as this would be emitted indicating re-core received a request from re-rest:
source_ip="" - log_level="INFO" - playbook_id="abcdefg123456" - deployment_id="" - user_id="tbielawa" - active_step="" - deploy_phase="" - message="New job requested, starting release process for test ..."
re-core will create a new deployment and accumulate that ID in it’s own context accumulator:
source_ip="" - log_level="INFO" - playbook_id="abcdefg123456" - deployment_id="098765abcdefg" - user_id="tbielawa" - active_step="" - deploy_phase="" - message="Emitted message to start new release for abcdefg123456. Job id: 098765abcdefg"
Back in re-rest, note how deployment_id is not filled in yet:
source_ip="" - playbook_id="abcdefg123456" - deployment_id="" - user_id="tbielawa" - message="Parsing bus response for request id ff26db4cdafe"
re-rest has parsed the response and added the deployment ID to its context accumulator:
source_ip="" - playbook_id="abcdefg123456" - deployment_id="098765abcdefg" - user_id="tbielawa" - message="Got job id of 098765abcdefg for request id ff26db4cdafe"
Tools such as Splunk or Logstash allow searching based on transactions. A transaction is a collection of related log events (such all the records for a deployment). These transactions rely on log record events having one or more fields with the same value. By collecting deployment context in the way shown above users are enabled to perform distributed transactional searching over their log archives by specifying fields like deployment_id and playbook_id in their transaction searching operators.
9.4.3. Log Parsing¶
As we saw in the previous section, these log records conform to a very specific format: DATE_STRING - field1="value" - field2="value" - field3="value" .... This turns both reading and parsing the logs into simple tasks.
Here’s an example in Python of how we might parse by field-name one of the log records shown above.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | In [1]: import re
In [2]: pattern = '^(?P<year>\d{4})-(?P<month>\d{2})-(?P<day>\d{2}) (?P<hour>\d{2}):(?P<minute>\d{2}):(?P<second>\d{2})\.(?P<ms>\d+) ?(?P<tzoffset>([\+\-]\d{4})*) \- app_component="(?P<appname>[^\"]*)" \- source_ip="(?P<source_ip>(\d{,3}\.\d{,3}\.\d{,3}\.\d{,3})*)" \- log_level="(?P<level>[A-Z]*)" - playbook_id="(?P<playbookid>[^\"]*)" \- deployment_id="(?P<deploymentid>[^\"]*)" \- user_id="(?P<user>[^\"]*)" \- message="(?P<msg>[^\"]*)"$'
In [3]: log_str = '2014-10-13 16:29:45.123654 +0000 - app_component="recore" - source_ip="" - log_level="INFO" - playbook_id="1234567890" - deployment_id="0987654321" - user_id="someone" - message="Deployment started"'
In [4]: re.match(pattern, log_str).groupdict()
{'appname': 'recore',
'day': '13',
'deploymentid': '0987654321',
'hour': '16',
'level': 'INFO',
'minute': '29',
'month': '10',
'ms': '123654',
'msg': 'Deployment started',
'playbookid': '1234567890',
'second': '45',
'source_ip': '',
'tzoffset': '+0000',
'user': 'someone',
'year': '2014'