3.6.1. RE-CLIENT

Release Engine - Client Tool


Define what this is better. Running From Checkout


How do they install it?

$ export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/src/:$PYTHONPATH
$ ./bin/re-client

At this point you’ll be prompted to enter some configuration values:

Could not load base rerest url from /home/tbielawa/.reclient.conf
Enter the hostname of your rerest endpoint
This will be saved in /home/tbielawa/.reclient.conf for reuse later

At this point you would enter the hostname of your re-rest endpoint.

Hostname: rerest.example.com

0) Get all playbooks ever
1) Get all playbooks for a project
2) Get a single playbook for a project
3) Update a playbook
4) Delete a playbook
5) Create a new playbook
6) Start a deployment (without any dynamic keys)
7) Quit

Release Engine Client Tools are now setup and ready to use. Command Line Options

The re-client command accepts two optional parameters:

  • --project, -p - Set the default project
  • --id, -i - Set the default playbook ID
  • --format, -f - Select yaml/json for the format. Default: yaml Usage Example

Let’s work with example project for the duration of this session:

$ ./bin/re-client -p 'example project' Notes

The REPL (command loop) has readline history enabled. This means the up/down arrow keys work and you can edit lines of input like a boss.